The recording of our recent webinar is now available
along with panelists slides and responses to unanswered questions.

This webinar (the second in our Wayfinders series) focuses on those
currently operating in a per-publication charge context and are taking
steps to increase equity in OA, and committing to or exploring a move away
from per-publication charges.

We are hugely grateful to our panelists for their time and work
before, during and after the seminar. We are grateful to attendees for
their active participation and insightful questions.

We hope you find this useful and can watch if you were unable to join us
live - and share with colleagues and peers.

We are committed to offering the online seminars in our open scholarship
series free to all. We welcome expressions of interest in sponsoring the
series - please contact me at [log in to unmask]

Did you know you can support our work if you are ot an OA Publisher or OA
infrastructure service - please see our support information
<> and our current supporters
<> who we
are happy and grateful to have on board!

Best wishes,

*Bernie Folan*
Communications, Engagement and Outreach Manager, OASPA
OASPA, Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association
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